Complete Beginners Guide to Blender 2.8 | Free course | Part 1 | The Interface

Having looked through many of Grant Abbitt’s YouTube videos, I saw one that I liked the look of so I decided to give it a go.

The tutorial Complete Beginners Guide to Blender 2.8 | Free Course | Part 1 | The Interface is very well explained and split across many Parts (Part 1 through to Part 6), especially around the interface of Blender. I would not recommend trying this if you do not understand what and how to use the tools first off.

Link for this tutorial is here

I tried not to copy all of Grant’s likeliness from his video so I decided to change the design of my robot which I am happy with, check out my videos:

First video
Second video – with evening mist
Third video – with evening mist and background audio

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